Texas Instruments BOOST-DAC8568 16-Bit DAC Booster Pack

Texas Instruments BOOST-DAC8568 16-Bit DAC Booster Pack is an easy-to-use platform that connects with the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad. The DAC8568 device is a low-power, voltage-output, eight-channel, 16-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC). This device includes a 2.5V, 2ppm/°C internal reference (disabled by default), giving a full-scale output voltage range of 2.5V. The internal reference of the Texas Instruments DAC8568 has an initial accuracy of 0.004% and can source up to 20mA.


  • DAC8568 (16-Bit): 4 LSB INL
  • 2.5V internal reference
  • 20mA output sink/source capability
  • On-chip output buffer amplifier with rail-to-rail operation
  • Low-power serial interface with Schmitt-triggered inputs: up to 50MHz


Published: 2017-01-11 | Updated: 2022-08-31